Friday, 17 October 2014

how to convert watts to kwh

How to convert watts to kwh

Electrical formulas


    The kilowatt-hour (symbolized kW⋅h) is a unit of energy equivalent to one kilowatt (1 kW) of power sustained for one hour. One watt is equal to 1 J/s. 

Formulas :

    Wh = watts * Time

   kwh = watts * time

   kwh = kw * Time 

  kwh = 1000watts * 1 hours 

Example :

    What is the energy consumption in kwh when the power consumption in 7500 watts for the time 

duration of 9 Hrs.

Given Data :

   watts = 7500

    Duration = 9 hrs

Formula :

  kwh = watts * Time 
          = 7500* 9

         = 67.5 kwh
Watch this Video : Star delta starter

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Saturday, 11 October 2014

how to calculate kwh kilowatt-hour

how to  calculate kwh


   The kilowatt-hour (symbolized kW⋅h) is a unit of energy equivalent to one kilowatt (1 kW) of power sustained for one hour. One watt is equal to 1 J/s. 


    KWH = watts (P) * time(T)

   KWH = P * T 

KWH = 1kw * 1 hr

Example  :
   a large ran motor rated at 4400 watts and you use it 5 hrs. a day to find consumed kwh /month.


KWH = P * T 

Ans :
     Wattage = 4400

Usage per day  = 5 hrs
                         = P * T

                         = 4400* 5 

                         = 22000
                         = 22 kw per day

                         = 22kwh * 30 days

                         = 660 units per month

how to calculate kw in single phase system

How to calculate kw in single phase system

power (KW) = voltage (V) * current (I) * power factor (cos0)/ 1000

KW = V * I * COS0

KW =  Watts 
Example :

    A large fan motor rated at 8 amps and operated at 220 v, 0.8 power factor leading to find kw.

Formula :

   KW = V * I * COS0

Answer :

    KW = V * I * COS0

            = 220 * 8 * 0.8 

            = 1.4 kw

how to calculate kva

how to calculate kva

KVA = kilo volt ampere 

Kilo =  1000

KVA = volt * ampere 

KVA =  V*I   

Example : 

    To find kva in high speed exhaust fan having 25 amps and operating  volt at 420 volt .


kva = v*i/1000

Answer : 

      =  420 * 25   

     = 10.5 kva

how to calculate watts in a single phase system

how to calculate watts in a single phase system

Watts = power

watts = volt * ampere * power factor

watts = v * i * p.f

Example :

     To find watts in single phase electric heater  having 3.2 amps and operating  at 230 V ,0.8 power factor .

Formula :

Watts(P) = V * I *P.F

               = 230 * 3.2 * 0.8

          P   = 588 watts 

how to calculate VA

How to find VA (or) Volt ampere

VA = Volt ampere

VA = volt * ampere

VA = V*I 

Example :
    To find VA in  Single phase 220 v , 5 A  Air cooler.

V = 220 volts

A = 5 amps 

Formula :
VA = V*I

       = 220*5

  VA      =  1100 Volt ampere