Friday, 21 May 2021

Why do LT motors have high winding resistance and HT motors have low winding resistance

Power P = V X I 
V = Voltage 
I = Current 
LT motors used lower voltage so its take higher current and larger size of copper conductor for stator winding. 

Power loss = I^2 R losses
I - Current flow through the conductor
R- Resistance of the conductor

 Resistance   R = ρ L / A     
ρ = resistivity of the conducting materials
L - Length of the conductor
A - Cross sectional Area of the conductor 

The resistance of a wire is directly proportional to its length and inversely proportional to its cross sectional area. So LT motors have high winding resistance and HT  motor have low winding resistance. 

HT motor takes high voltage and low current in same power so we used smaller size of conductor for stator winding.

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