Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Why we use DAP in STP

 DAP (Diammonium Phosphate) is used in STPs (Sewage Treatment Plants) as a source of essential nutrients, specifically nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), which are critical for the growth and activity of microorganisms involved in the biological treatment process.

Reasons for Using DAP in STPs

1. Providing Nutrients for Microbial Growth

  • Microorganisms responsible for breaking down organic pollutants in wastewater require nutrients in the right proportions.
  • DAP supplies:
    • Nitrogen (N): Necessary for protein synthesis and cellular growth.
    • Phosphorus (P): Vital for energy transfer (ATP) and cell membrane integrity.

2. Balancing Nutrient Ratios

  • The BOD:N:P ratio is critical for effective biological treatment, typically maintained at 100:5:1.
  • Wastewater, especially from domestic sources, often lacks sufficient nitrogen and phosphorus relative to its organic load (BOD).
  • DAP is added to supplement these nutrients and achieve the ideal ratio.

3. Enhancing Biological Treatment Efficiency

  • Adequate nutrients support healthy microbial activity, leading to:
    • Faster degradation of organic matter (BOD and COD).
    • Stabilized biological processes in the aeration tank.

4. Preventing Process Upsets

  • Nutrient deficiency can cause:
    • Poor microbial growth.
    • Reduced treatment efficiency.
    • Formation of filamentous bacteria, leading to sludge bulking.
  • DAP prevents such issues by ensuring a nutrient-rich environment for microorganisms.

5. Supporting Recovery from Shock Loads

  • After a shock load (e.g., toxic inflow or high organic load), microbial activity may decline.
  • DAP helps revive the microbial community by providing the necessary nutrients for regrowth.

6. Cost-Effective Nutrient Source

  • DAP is widely available, cost-effective, and easy to handle, making it a practical choice for nutrient supplementation in STPs.

How DAP is Used in STPs

  1. Dosage:

    • The amount of DAP added depends on the BOD load and the existing nutrient levels in the influent wastewater.
    • Operators calculate the required dosage to achieve the ideal BOD:N:P ratio.
  2. Application:

    • DAP is typically dissolved in water and added directly to the aeration tank or upstream of the biological treatment process.
  3. Monitoring:

    • Nutrient levels (N and P) and effluent quality are regularly monitored to adjust the DAP dosage as needed.


  1. Overdosing:

    • Excess nutrients can lead to eutrophication in receiving water bodies, causing environmental harm.
    • Careful dosing is essential to avoid nutrient surplus.
  2. pH Impact:

    • DAP may slightly affect the pH of the wastewater; pH should be monitored and adjusted if necessary.
  3. Integration with Other Nutrients:

    • In some cases, additional nitrogen sources (e.g., urea) may be required if phosphorus levels are already sufficient.


DAP plays a crucial role in ensuring the biological treatment process operates efficiently by providing essential nutrients for microorganisms. Proper application and monitoring of DAP contribute to achieving high effluent quality and stable STP performance.

Causes of low MLSS

 Low MLSS (Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids) in an STP can compromise the biological treatment process, leading to poor organic matter removal and suboptimal effluent quality. Below are the common causes of low MLSS:

1. Excessive Sludge Wasting (Over-Wasting)

  • Description: Excessive removal of sludge reduces the concentration of active biomass in the aeration tank.
  • Cause:
    • Improper sludge wasting rates due to incorrect operational settings or mismanagement.

2. Insufficient Influent Organic Load

  • Description: A low organic load (BOD/COD) leads to limited microbial growth, resulting in lower biomass levels.
  • Cause:
    • Dilution of influent wastewater (e.g., during rainy seasons or due to industrial discharges of low-strength wastewater).

3. Hydraulic Overloading

  • Description: High flow rates dilute the mixed liquor, reducing MLSS concentration in the aeration tank.
  • Cause:
    • Stormwater inflows or infiltration into the sewer system, causing a high hydraulic load.

4. Poor Microbial Growth

  • Description: Conditions unfavorable for microbial growth result in inadequate biomass production.
  • Cause:
    • Insufficient nutrients (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus).
    • Inhibitory substances (e.g., heavy metals, toxic chemicals) in the influent.
    • Low pH or temperature affecting microbial activity.

5. Sludge Washout

  • Description: Sludge is physically washed out of the aeration tank or clarifier due to high flow rates or poor settling.
  • Cause:
    • Insufficient retention time or hydraulic surges.
    • Malfunctioning secondary clarifier or improper sludge recycling.

6. Inadequate Return Activated Sludge (RAS)

  • Description: Returning insufficient sludge from the secondary clarifier reduces the MLSS concentration in the aeration tank.
  • Cause:
    • Improper RAS pump settings or operational errors.

7. Shock Load Events

  • Description: Sudden changes in influent composition or flow disrupt the microbial balance, reducing biomass levels.
  • Cause:
    • Toxic shocks (e.g., chemicals, industrial discharges).
    • Rapid changes in temperature or pH.

8. Equipment Malfunction

  • Description: Aeration equipment failure affects microbial growth and MLSS concentration.
  • Cause:
    • Aerator breakdown, leading to insufficient oxygen supply.
    • Pump failures affecting sludge recycling or wasting.

9. Low Sludge Retention Time (SRT)

  • Description: Short retention times do not allow sufficient microbial growth, resulting in low biomass levels.
  • Cause:
    • High sludge wasting or low RAS rates.

Impacts of Low MLSS

  1. Reduced Treatment Efficiency:
    • Insufficient biomass leads to poor BOD and COD removal.
  2. Poor Effluent Quality:
    • Higher organic load in the treated water due to inadequate biological treatment.
  3. System Instability:
    • Difficulty maintaining process stability during fluctuations in influent load.

Solutions for Low MLSS

  1. Optimize Sludge Wasting:
    • Adjust wasting rates to retain sufficient biomass in the aeration tank.
  2. Improve Influent Load:
    • Prevent dilution by controlling stormwater inflow and infiltration.
  3. Maintain Proper Aeration:
    • Ensure adequate oxygen levels to promote microbial growth.
  4. Adjust RAS Flow:
    • Increase sludge recycling to maintain MLSS levels in the aeration tank.
  5. Provide Adequate Nutrients:
    • Ensure proper nitrogen and phosphorus levels to support microbial activity.
  6. Minimize Toxic Shocks:
    • Identify and control sources of toxic chemicals or inhibitory substances.
  7. Upgrade Infrastructure:
    • Install equalization tanks to handle hydraulic surges.
    • Repair faulty aeration or pumping equipment.

By addressing these causes, STP operators can maintain optimal MLSS levels, ensuring efficient treatment and high-quality effluent.

Causes of high MLSS

 High MLSS (Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids) in an STP can lead to operational issues, such as poor oxygen transfer, reduced treatment efficiency, and difficulties in sludge settling. Understanding the causes is essential for addressing and preventing problems. Here are the common causes of high MLSS:

1. Inadequate Sludge Wasting (Under-Wasting)

  • Description: Sludge wasting (also called waste activated sludge, or WAS) removes excess biomass from the system. If insufficient sludge is wasted, MLSS levels will increase.
  • Cause:
    • Failure to monitor and adjust sludge wasting rates according to influent loads or process requirements.

2. High Influent Organic Load

  • Description: Excess organic matter in the influent promotes rapid microbial growth, leading to an increase in biomass.
  • Cause:
    • Sudden surges in biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) or chemical oxygen demand (COD) from industrial discharges, septage, or unexpected loads.

3. Extended Sludge Retention Time (SRT)

  • Description: A long sludge age allows for the accumulation of inert solids and older, less active biomass.
  • Cause:
    • Poorly calibrated control systems or improper operational settings for sludge age.

4. Inefficient Aeration

  • Description: Insufficient oxygen supply reduces microbial activity, causing biomass accumulation as microorganisms struggle to degrade organic matter effectively.
  • Cause:
    • Malfunctioning aeration systems or inadequate dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in the aeration tank.

5. Inorganic Solids Accumulation

  • Description: Inert solids (non-biodegradable materials) entering the system can increase the overall MLSS concentration without contributing to treatment.
  • Cause:
    • High levels of silt, sand, or other inorganic materials in the influent.

6. Poor Sludge Settling (Bulking Sludge)

  • Description: Sludge that fails to settle properly in the secondary clarifier increases MLSS in the aeration tank due to sludge recycle.
  • Cause:
    • Filamentous bacteria overgrowth (sludge bulking), caused by nutrient imbalances or low DO.

7. Process Upsets

  • Description: Sudden disruptions in flow, load, or operational parameters can lead to a temporary imbalance in sludge wasting and MLSS control.
  • Cause:
    • Equipment failure, influent variability, or operator error.

8. Excessive Recycling

  • Description: Returning too much sludge from the secondary clarifier to the aeration tank can increase MLSS levels.
  • Cause:
    • Improper settings on return activated sludge (RAS) pumps or control systems.

Impacts of High MLSS

  • Reduced Oxygen Transfer:
    • High solids concentration increases the viscosity of the mixed liquor, making aeration less efficient.
  • Poor Sludge Settling:
    • Causes carryover of solids in the treated effluent.
  • High Energy Costs:
    • Aeration systems must work harder to maintain DO levels in thick sludge.
  • Reduced Treatment Efficiency:
    • Excess MLSS can lead to uneven microbial activity and poor organic removal.

Solutions for High MLSS

  1. Increase Sludge Wasting:
    • Regularly monitor and adjust sludge wasting rates based on system conditions.
  2. Monitor Influent Loads:
    • Identify and mitigate sources of high organic or inorganic loads.
  3. Optimize Aeration:
    • Maintain proper DO levels to support microbial activity and avoid sludge buildup.
  4. Control Sludge Recycling:
    • Adjust RAS flow rates to balance MLSS levels.
  5. Perform Regular Maintenance:
    • Ensure aeration and clarifier systems function efficiently to prevent process upsets.
  6. Implement Pre-Treatment:
    • Remove inorganic solids or grit upstream to prevent their accumulation in the system.

Maintaining an optimal MLSS range ensures effective biological treatment and prevents operational challenges in the STP.

What is MLSS in STP Plant .

 MLSS (Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids) is a key parameter in the operation of a sewage treatment plant (STP), particularly in biological treatment processes like the Activated Sludge Process (ASP), Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR), or Membrane Bioreactors (MBR).


  • MLSS refers to the total concentration of suspended solids (both organic and inorganic) present in the mixed liquor of an aeration tank.
  • It represents the active biomass (microorganisms) and inert suspended solids within the system.


  • MLSS is expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/L).

Role of MLSS in STP

  1. Microbial Activity:
    • MLSS contains the microbial community responsible for breaking down organic pollutants in wastewater.
  2. Treatment Efficiency:
    • Adequate MLSS levels ensure efficient degradation of organic matter and nitrogen compounds.
  3. Process Control:
    • Maintaining an optimal MLSS concentration is critical for system stability and achieving effluent quality standards.

Optimal MLSS Concentration

  • The ideal MLSS concentration varies depending on the type of treatment process:
    • Activated Sludge Process: Typically 2,000–4,000 mg/L.
    • Membrane Bioreactors (MBR): Higher levels, around 8,000–12,000 mg/L, due to the use of membranes.
    • Extended Aeration Systems: Around 3,000–6,000 mg/L.
  • Too low MLSS:
    • Reduces treatment efficiency, leading to poor effluent quality.
  • Too high MLSS:
    • Causes operational issues like poor oxygen transfer, higher energy consumption, and sludge bulking.

Measuring MLSS

  1. Gravimetric Method:
    • Collect a sample of mixed liquor.
    • Filter a known volume through a glass fiber filter.
    • Dry the filter at 105°C and weigh it to calculate suspended solids concentration.
  2. Portable MLSS Meters:
    • Provide real-time MLSS measurements using optical or ultrasonic principles.

Factors Affecting MLSS

  1. Influent Load:
    • Variations in organic or hydraulic loading impact biomass concentration.
  2. Sludge Wasting (WAS):
    • Regular removal of excess sludge helps control MLSS levels.
  3. Aeration:
    • Proper oxygen supply supports microbial growth, maintaining a balanced MLSS level.

Importance of Monitoring MLSS

  1. Ensures stable biological activity.
  2. Optimizes sludge age (SRT) and sludge settling in the secondary clarifier.
  3. Prevents system overloading or washout of microorganisms.

Maintaining the appropriate MLSS concentration is critical for efficient STP operation and achieving high-quality effluent standards.

Sunday, 8 December 2024

How to measure COD in raw collection

 Measuring COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) in raw sewage involves quantifying the amount of oxygen required to oxidize both organic and inorganic matter chemically. COD testing is faster than BOD testing and provides a snapshot of the total pollution load in wastewater. Here's how to measure COD in a raw collection system:

1. Collecting the Sample

  • Sample Collection:
    • Use clean, glass or plastic containers to collect raw sewage.
    • Avoid excessive aeration or agitation during collection to prevent oxidation of organic matter.
  • Preservation:
    • If testing cannot be done immediately, store the sample at 4°C to prevent microbial activity.
    • Analyze within 24 hours to ensure accuracy.

2. Preparing the Reagents

  • Reagents Required:
    1. Potassium Dichromate (K₂Cr₂O₇):
      • Strong oxidizing agent to oxidize organic matter.
    2. Sulfuric Acid (H₂SO₄):
      • Provides an acidic environment and prevents volatile organic compounds from escaping.
    3. Silver Sulfate (Ag₂SO₄):
      • Catalyst for oxidation of certain organic compounds.
    4. Mercuric Sulfate (HgSO₄):
      • Suppresses chloride interference (important in sewage with high chloride content).
    5. Ferroin Indicator or Titration Standard:
      • Used for back titration to measure excess oxidizing agent.

3. Digestion Process

  1. Dilute the Sample:
    • If COD levels are expected to be very high, dilute the sample to bring it within the testable range.
  2. Add Reagents:
    • Pipette a measured volume of the raw sewage sample (e.g., 2 mL) into a digestion tube or flask.
    • Add a measured amount of potassium dichromate and sulfuric acid mixture with silver sulfate.
    • Add mercuric sulfate to suppress chloride interference if necessary.
  3. Sealing:
    • Seal the digestion tube or reflux flask tightly to prevent evaporation.

4. Digestion (Oxidation of Organics)

  • Heat the sample at 150°C in a COD digestion unit or reflux apparatus for 2 hours.
  • The digestion process oxidizes organic and inorganic matter, reducing potassium dichromate to chromium (III).

5. Titration or Spectrophotometry

Titration Method:

  1. After digestion, cool the sample to room temperature.
  2. Add a ferroin indicator.
  3. Titrate the sample with ferrous ammonium sulfate (FAS) to measure the unreacted potassium dichromate.

Spectrophotometric Method:

  1. Measure the absorbance of the digested sample at a specific wavelength (e.g., 600 nm) using a spectrophotometer.
  2. Compare the results against a calibration curve to determine COD concentration.

6. Calculating COD

For the Titration Method, use the following formula:

COD (mg/L)=(ab)×N×8000Sample Volume (mL)\text{COD (mg/L)} = \frac{(a - b) \times N \times 8000}{\text{Sample Volume (mL)}}


  • aa = Volume of FAS used for blank (mL)
  • bb = Volume of FAS used for the sample (mL)
  • NN = Normality of FAS

For Spectrophotometric Method, calculate COD directly from the calibration curve.

Example Calculation

  • Sample Volume: 2 mL
  • Volume of FAS for Blank (aa): 10.0 mL
  • Volume of FAS for Sample (bb): 5.0 mL
  • Normality of FAS: 0.1 N
COD=(105)×0.1×80002=200mg/L\text{COD} = \frac{(10 - 5) \times 0.1 \times 8000}{2} = 200 \, \text{mg/L}


  1. Chloride Interference:
    • Raw sewage often has high chloride concentrations. Use mercuric sulfate to prevent overestimation of COD.
  2. Safety:
    • Handle chemicals (e.g., sulfuric acid and potassium dichromate) with care, as they are corrosive and toxic.
  3. Calibration:
    • Ensure instruments and reagents are calibrated and standardized before testing.
  4. Replicates:
    • Test multiple samples for accuracy and reproducibility.

Advanced Methods

  • Use COD Test Kits:
    • Pre-packaged kits simplify the process and include reagents in pre-measured quantities.
  • Use Automated COD Analyzers:
    • Provide faster and more accurate results with minimal manual intervention.


COD measurement is a critical tool for assessing the organic and inorganic load in raw sewage. The process requires careful handling of reagents and equipment, but it provides quick and reliable data for wastewater treatment system design and performance monitoring.

How to measure BOD in raw sewage

Measuring BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) in raw sewage or a collection system involves determining the oxygen consumed by microorganisms while decomposing organic matter in the water sample over a specified period (typically 5 days). Here's the step-by-step process:

1. Collecting the Sample

  • Sample Collection:
    • Use clean, sterilized bottles to collect raw sewage.
    • Avoid excessive aeration during collection to prevent altering dissolved oxygen (DO) levels.
  • Preservation:
    • Analyze the sample as soon as possible. If delays occur, store it at 4°C to minimize microbial activity.
  • Dilution:
    • Raw sewage usually has a very high BOD, so dilution with distilled water is required to bring the oxygen demand within the measurable range.

2. Preparing the Sample

  • Dilution Water:
    • Prepare dilution water by aerating distilled water and adding nutrients like phosphate buffer, magnesium sulfate, calcium chloride, and ferric chloride. This ensures a conducive environment for microbial growth.
  • Seed Microorganisms:
    • For some samples (especially treated wastewater), microbial seeding may be necessary to ensure sufficient bacterial activity. Raw sewage typically contains enough microorganisms and may not require seeding.

3. Initial Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Measurement

  • Measure the initial DO of the diluted sample using a dissolved oxygen meter or titration method (Winkler method).
  • Record the DO value (in mg/L).

4. Incubation

  • Place the sample in a sealed BOD bottle to prevent air exchange.
  • Incubate at 20°C ± 1°C in the dark to avoid photosynthesis, which could artificially increase oxygen levels.
  • Incubation period is typically 5 days (referred to as BOD₅).

5. Final Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Measurement

  • After 5 days, measure the final DO of the sample using the same method.

6. Calculating BOD

  • Use the following formula:
BOD (mg/L)=(Initial DOFinal DO)×Dilution Factor\text{BOD (mg/L)} = (\text{Initial DO} - \text{Final DO}) \times \text{Dilution Factor}
  • If seed microorganisms are used, subtract the oxygen demand of the seed (measured in a control sample).

Example Calculation

  • Initial DO: 9 mg/L
  • Final DO: 3 mg/L
  • Dilution Factor: 10
BOD=(93)×10=60mg/L\text{BOD} = (9 - 3) \times 10 = 60 \, \text{mg/L}

Key Considerations

  1. Accuracy:
    • Ensure proper sealing of BOD bottles to prevent air intrusion.
    • Calibrate the DO meter regularly.
  2. Dilution:
    • Choose an appropriate dilution to prevent complete DO depletion during incubation.
  3. Replicates:
    • Test multiple samples to ensure reliability and account for variability in raw sewage.

Alternative Method

  • BOD Sensors:
    • Advanced sensors provide quicker results by simulating microbial oxygen demand under controlled conditions.

Accurately measuring BOD in raw sewage provides critical data for designing and operating sewage treatment processes effectively.  

The permissible limits of BOD and COD for STP

 The permissible limits of BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) for sewage treatment plant (STP) effluents are determined by local environmental regulations. These limits vary based on the discharge destination or reuse application, such as irrigation, industrial use, or release into surface water bodies.

Typical Permissible Limits for Treated Effluent

ParameterDischarge to Surface Water BodiesReuse for IrrigationReuse in Industrial Applications
BOD≤ 20–30 mg/L≤ 10–20 mg/L≤ 10 mg/L
COD≤ 250 mg/L≤ 50–100 mg/L≤ 50 mg/L

Factors Affecting Permissible Limits

  1. Discharge Destination:
    • Surface Water Bodies: Typically require BOD ≤ 20–30 mg/L and COD ≤ 250 mg/L to minimize environmental impact.
    • Marine Outfalls: Slightly higher limits may be allowed due to greater dilution capacity.
  2. Reuse Applications:
    • Agricultural/Irrigation: Lower limits are set to protect soil and crops from organic and chemical buildup.
    • Industrial Use: Requires stricter control for sensitive applications, like cooling or process water.
  3. Local Regulations:
    • Limits vary by country and regulatory authority, such as EPA (USA), CPCB (India), or EU Directives.

Why These Limits Are Important

  1. Protect Aquatic Life:
    • High BOD and COD levels deplete dissolved oxygen, harming aquatic ecosystems.
  2. Prevent Water Pollution:
    • Reduces organic and chemical pollution in receiving water bodies.
  3. Enable Safe Reuse:
    • Ensures treated water is safe for agricultural or industrial applications.

Regular monitoring and compliance with these standards are essential for sustainable wastewater management and environmental protection.

Units of BOD and COD

 The units of BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) are typically expressed as a concentration of oxygen in water, measured in:

Common Units

  1. Milligrams per Liter (mg/L):

    • This is the most commonly used unit in wastewater analysis and environmental standards.
    • Indicates the mass of oxygen (in milligrams) required per liter of water.
  2. Parts Per Million (ppm):

    • Equivalent to mg/L in dilute aqueous solutions.
    • Often used interchangeably with mg/L in wastewater treatment contexts.


  • A BOD of 200 mg/L means 200 milligrams of oxygen are required to biologically degrade the organic matter present in one liter of water.
  • A COD of 500 mg/L means 500 milligrams of oxygen are chemically required to oxidize all organic and inorganic matter in one liter of water.

Why These Units Are Used

  • Convenience: mg/L directly correlates with pollution concentration in water.
  • Regulatory Standards: Effluent discharge limits are usually specified in mg/L (e.g., BOD ≤ 30 mg/L, COD ≤ 250 mg/L).

Understanding these units is essential for monitoring and comparing the performance of sewage treatment plants and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.

how to reduce COD effectively in STP

 Reducing COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) in a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) requires targeting both biodegradable and non-biodegradable pollutants. Effective reduction involves a combination of physical, biological, and chemical treatment processes tailored to the specific characteristics of the wastewater.

Strategies to Reduce COD in STPs

1. Preliminary Treatment

  • Objective: Remove large debris and grit to reduce the initial load.
  • Methods:
    • Screening: Removes plastics, rags, and large particles.
    • Grit Chambers: Separate sand and heavy inorganic solids.
  • Effectiveness: Minimal impact on COD (5–10% reduction).

2. Primary Treatment

  • Objective: Remove settleable solids and floating materials, reducing organic load.
  • Methods:
    • Sedimentation Tanks: Settleable solids are removed by gravity.
    • Oil and Grease Traps: Skim off fats, oils, and grease, which contribute to COD.
  • Effectiveness: Reduces COD by 20–30%.

3. Secondary Treatment

  • Objective: Biologically degrade organic pollutants contributing to COD.
  • Methods:
    • Activated Sludge Process (ASP):
      • Aerobic microorganisms break down organic matter in aeration tanks.
    • Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR):
      • Treats wastewater in cycles, with aeration and settling phases.
    • Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR):
      • Uses biofilm-coated media for efficient organic matter breakdown.
    • Membrane Bioreactor (MBR):
      • Combines biological treatment with membrane filtration for enhanced COD reduction.
  • Effectiveness: Reduces COD by 60–80% for biodegradable components.

4. Tertiary Treatment

  • Objective: Remove residual COD, including non-biodegradable and refractory compounds.
  • Methods:
    • Advanced Filtration:
      • Sand filters or multimedia filters capture fine particles contributing to COD.
    • Activated Carbon Adsorption:
      • Removes non-biodegradable organic compounds.
    • Chemical Oxidation:
      • Uses oxidizing agents like ozone, chlorine, or hydrogen peroxide to degrade organic matter.
    • UV Radiation:
      • Breaks down complex organic molecules, reducing COD.
  • Effectiveness: Achieves stringent COD standards (e.g., ≤100 mg/L).

5. Sludge Treatment

  • Objective: Manage sludge effectively to minimize COD reintroduction.
  • Methods:
    • Anaerobic Digestion: Stabilizes organic content in sludge.
    • Sludge Dewatering: Reduces water content, making it easier to handle.

6. Advanced and Emerging Technologies

  • Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs):
    • Combines UV, ozone, or hydrogen peroxide to oxidize refractory organic compounds.
  • Electrocoagulation:
    • Uses electric currents to destabilize and remove organic pollutants.
  • Fenton’s Reagent:
    • Iron and hydrogen peroxide catalysis effectively oxidize complex organics.
  • Bioremediation:
    • Involves specific microbial strains to target and break down resistant organic compounds.

Operational Best Practices

  1. Regular Monitoring:
    • Measure COD levels in influent, intermediate stages, and effluent to track performance.
  2. Aeration Optimization:
    • Ensure adequate oxygen supply for efficient biological degradation.
  3. Load Balancing:
    • Equalize wastewater flow to prevent overloading treatment units.
  4. Chemical Dosing:
    • Optimize the use of coagulants or oxidants based on real-time COD levels.

Comparison of Treatment Methods for COD Reduction

Primary TreatmentSettleable solids20–30% COD reductionInitial stage of treatment
Biological ProcessesBiodegradable organics60–80% COD reductionSecondary treatment
Chemical OxidationNon-biodegradable organics80–95% COD reductionTertiary treatment
Activated CarbonRefractory organicsUp to 95% COD reductionAdvanced polishing

Key Considerations

  1. Influent Characteristics:
    • Understand the source and composition of COD (biodegradable vs. non-biodegradable) to design an appropriate treatment strategy.
  2. Effluent Standards:
    • Tailor treatment to meet discharge regulations or reuse requirements.
  3. Cost and Scalability:
    • Consider operational costs and scalability when selecting advanced treatment technologies.


Reducing COD effectively in STPs requires an integrated approach, leveraging physical, biological, and chemical processes. Advanced methods like activated carbon adsorption, chemical oxidation, and AOPs can address non-biodegradable pollutants, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and sustainable wastewater management.

how to reduce BOD effectively in STP

 Reducing BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) effectively in a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) requires a combination of physical, biological, and sometimes chemical treatment processes. Each stage of treatment targets different aspects of the organic load to ensure that BOD levels in the effluent meet regulatory standards.

Strategies to Reduce BOD in STPs

1. Preliminary Treatment

  • Objective: Remove large debris and non-biodegradable solids to reduce the initial load.
  • Methods:
    • Screening: Removes large objects like plastics, rags, and leaves.
    • Grit Removal: Separates sand, gravel, and other heavy particles.
  • Effectiveness: Minimal impact on BOD (about 5–10% reduction).

2. Primary Treatment

  • Objective: Remove settleable and floatable organic solids through physical processes.
  • Methods:
    • Sedimentation Tanks: Settleable solids sink, while grease and oils are skimmed off.
    • Primary Clarifiers: Capture suspended solids.
  • Effectiveness: Reduces BOD by 20–30%.

3. Secondary Treatment

  • Objective: Biologically degrade dissolved and suspended organic matter, significantly reducing BOD.
  • Methods:
    • Activated Sludge Process (ASP):
      • Uses aeration tanks where microorganisms break down organic matter.
      • Continuous oxygen supply ensures efficient microbial activity.
    • Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR):
      • Treats wastewater in batches using aeration and settling phases.
    • Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR):
      • Biofilm grows on plastic media, facilitating the breakdown of organics.
    • Membrane Bioreactor (MBR):
      • Combines biological treatment with membrane filtration for enhanced BOD reduction.
  • Effectiveness: Reduces BOD by 80–95%.

4. Tertiary Treatment

  • Objective: Further polish effluent and remove residual organic matter for stringent BOD limits.
  • Methods:
    • Filtration: Sand or multimedia filters remove fine particles.
    • Activated Carbon Adsorption: Absorbs remaining organic compounds.
    • Chemical Oxidation: Uses chemicals like ozone or chlorine to break down residual organics.
  • Effectiveness: Reduces BOD to meet strict discharge standards (e.g., <10 mg/L).

5. Sludge Management

  • Objective: Proper handling of organic-rich sludge to prevent reintroduction of BOD into the system.
  • Methods:
    • Anaerobic Digestion: Stabilizes sludge and reduces organic content.
    • Dewatering: Reduces the water content for easier disposal or reuse.

Operational Best Practices

  1. Optimize Aeration:
    • Ensure sufficient oxygen supply to support microbial activity in biological processes.
  2. Regular Maintenance:
    • Clean tanks, screens, and aeration systems to prevent clogging and inefficiencies.
  3. Monitor Inlet and Outlet BOD:
    • Regular testing ensures the treatment processes are working effectively.
  4. Adjust Biomass Levels:
    • Maintain the right amount of microorganisms in aeration tanks for optimal performance.

Advanced Technologies for Effective BOD Reduction

  • Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs):
    • Combine UV, ozone, or hydrogen peroxide for enhanced organic degradation.
  • Hybrid Systems:
    • Combine MBBR with activated sludge or MBR for higher efficiency. 


Effective BOD reduction in STPs relies on a combination of well-designed treatment stages, regular monitoring, and operational optimization. Advanced biological and tertiary treatment methods can achieve stringent discharge standards, ensuring environmental compliance and sustainable wastewater reuse.

why BOD is high in raw sewage

BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) is high in raw sewage because it contains a large amount of organic matter, which serves as food for microorganisms. These microorganisms consume oxygen as they break down the organic substances, leading to high oxygen demand.

Reasons for High BOD in Raw Sewage

  1. Presence of Organic Waste:

    • Human Waste: Feces and urine are rich in organic compounds like proteins, carbohydrates, and urea.
    • Food Waste: Kitchen waste, oils, and grease from households.
    • Detergents and Soaps: Organic surfactants contribute to the load.
    • Plant Material: Leaves, grass, or other biodegradable debris in runoff.
  2. High Concentration of Suspended and Dissolved Solids:

    • Raw sewage has both dissolved organic compounds and suspended solids that decompose over time, requiring oxygen.
  3. Pathogenic Microorganisms:

    • Bacteria and other microbes in sewage metabolize the organic content, consuming oxygen in the process.
  4. Lack of Treatment:

    • In raw sewage, no processes have yet removed or stabilized organic matter, resulting in a high concentration of biodegradable material.
  5. Nutrient Availability:

    • Nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus present in sewage promote microbial activity, increasing oxygen demand.

BOD Levels in Raw Sewage

  • Typical BOD levels in raw sewage range between 200–600 mg/L, depending on the source and composition of the wastewater.

Impact of High BOD

  1. Depletes Oxygen in Water Bodies:
    • If discharged untreated, high-BOD sewage can deplete dissolved oxygen in rivers or lakes, harming aquatic life.
  2. Eutrophication:
    • Nutrients and organic matter in sewage promote excessive algae growth, further reducing oxygen levels.

How STPs Address High BOD

  1. Primary Treatment:
    • Removes large solids and sediment, reducing BOD by 20–30%.
  2. Secondary Treatment:
    • Biological processes (e.g., Activated Sludge Process, MBBR) degrade organic matter, significantly lowering BOD by up to 90%.
  3. Tertiary Treatment:
    • Advanced methods like filtration or disinfection ensure further reduction to meet discharge standards.


High BOD in raw sewage is a result of the large amounts of biodegradable organic material and microbial activity. Effective sewage treatment reduces BOD levels, protecting water bodies and enabling the safe reuse of treated water. 

COD in Sewage Treatment Plants


COD in Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs)

COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) is a critical parameter in wastewater treatment that measures the total amount of oxygen required to chemically oxidize both biodegradable and non-biodegradable organic and inorganic matter present in the water. It is used to assess the pollution load and treatment efficiency in Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs).

Role of COD in STPs

  1. Measuring Pollution Load:
    • COD provides a comprehensive measure of all oxidizable pollutants in wastewater, unlike BOD, which measures only biodegradable organic matter.
  2. Designing Treatment Processes:
    • COD levels help determine the treatment capacity and technology required for efficient wastewater management.
  3. Monitoring Treatment Efficiency:
    • COD reduction between the influent (incoming sewage) and effluent (treated water) indicates how well the STP is performing.

Stages in STPs and COD Reduction

  1. Preliminary Treatment:
    • Removes large debris and grit, but has minimal impact on COD.
  2. Primary Treatment:
    • Removes settleable solids, slightly reducing COD (approximately 20–30%).
  3. Secondary Treatment:
    • Biological processes, such as Activated Sludge Process (ASP), MBBR, or SBR, degrade biodegradable components, significantly reducing COD (60–90%).
  4. Tertiary Treatment (if applied):
    • Advanced treatment methods like filtration, chemical oxidation, or activated carbon adsorption further reduce COD to meet stringent discharge or reuse standards.

COD Standards for STP Effluent

The permissible COD levels in treated effluent depend on local environmental regulations and the intended use of treated water. Common limits include:

  • Discharge to surface water bodies: ≤ 250 mg/L
  • Reuse for irrigation or industrial purposes: ≤ 100 mg/L
  • Advanced reuse applications (e.g., drinking water): ≤ 10 mg/L

Difference Between COD and BOD

MeasuresTotal oxidizable matter (biodegradable and non-biodegradable)Biodegradable organic matter only
Test Duration2–3 hoursTypically 5 days
UsageComprehensive pollution assessmentBiological treatment design and monitoring
Typical Levels in InfluentHigher than BOD (e.g., 500–1500 mg/L)Lower than COD (e.g., 200–600 mg/L)

Importance of COD Monitoring

  1. Comprehensive Pollution Assessment:
    • COD includes all oxidizable matter, providing a broader measure of pollution compared to BOD.
  2. Early Detection of Non-Biodegradable Pollutants:
    • Identifies pollutants that may not be addressed through biological treatment.
  3. Process Optimization:
    • Helps operators adjust processes to optimize the removal of both biodegradable and non-biodegradable components.


COD is a key parameter in wastewater treatment, reflecting the overall pollution load in sewage. Monitoring and reducing COD in STPs ensure compliance with discharge regulations, protect the environment, and enable safe wastewater reuse for various purposes.

What is BOD in STP Plant.


BOD in Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs)

BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) is a critical parameter in wastewater treatment that measures the amount of oxygen required by microorganisms to biologically decompose organic matter in water over a specific period, typically 5 days at 20°C. It is a key indicator of organic pollution and the efficiency of sewage treatment processes.

Role of BOD in STPs

  1. Assessing Pollution Load:
    • Higher BOD levels indicate a significant organic load, requiring intensive treatment.
  2. Designing STP Processes:
    • BOD data helps determine the capacity and type of biological treatment processes (e.g., Activated Sludge Process, MBR, MBBR).
  3. Evaluating Treatment Efficiency:
    • Comparing BOD levels in influent (untreated wastewater) and effluent (treated water) indicates how effectively the STP removes organic matter.

Stages in STPs and BOD Reduction

  1. Preliminary Treatment:
    • Removes large solids, reducing physical debris but not significantly impacting BOD.
  2. Primary Treatment:
    • Settling tanks remove suspended solids, slightly reducing BOD (around 20-30%).
  3. Secondary Treatment:
    • Biological processes like Activated Sludge, MBBR, or RBC degrade dissolved and suspended organic matter, reducing BOD significantly (up to 90% or more).
  4. Tertiary Treatment (if needed):
    • Further removes residual organic and inorganic pollutants to meet strict discharge or reuse standards.

BOD Standards for STP Effluent

  • The permissible BOD level in treated effluent depends on local regulations and discharge requirements. Common standards:
    • For discharge into water bodies: ≤ 30 mg/L
    • For water reuse (e.g., irrigation): ≤ 10 mg/L

Importance of BOD Monitoring

  1. Environmental Protection:
    • Reducing BOD prevents oxygen depletion in receiving water bodies, protecting aquatic life.
  2. Compliance with Regulations:
    • Ensures the STP meets legal discharge limits to avoid penalties.
  3. Process Optimization:
    • Helps operators adjust treatment processes to handle fluctuating organic loads efficiently.


BOD is a fundamental parameter in STP operations, reflecting the organic pollution load and the treatment plant's performance. By efficiently reducing BOD, STPs protect the environment, ensure regulatory compliance, and enable safe wastewater reuse.

organic components in domestic waste water.

Domestic wastewater contains a variety of organic components, which primarily originate from human activities such as cooking, cleaning, bathing, and waste disposal. These organic substances are typically biodegradable, providing a food source for microorganisms during wastewater treatment. Below is a breakdown of the main organic components:

1. Proteins

  • Source: Human waste (feces and urine), food waste, detergents.
  • Composition: Nitrogen-rich compounds made of amino acids.
  • Environmental Impact: Decomposition releases ammonia, which can lead to eutrophication and oxygen depletion if untreated.

2. Carbohydrates

  • Source: Food residues, kitchen waste, and natural organic matter like plant debris.
  • Composition: Sugars, starches, and cellulose.
  • Environmental Impact: Readily biodegradable, contributing to BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) in water.

3. Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG)

  • Source: Cooking oils, animal fats, dairy products, and greasy residues from cleaning.
  • Composition: Lipids that are hydrophobic and slow to degrade.
  • Environmental Impact:
    • Can clog pipelines and treatment equipment.
    • Form scum layers in water bodies, reducing oxygen transfer.

4. Organic Acids

  • Source: Food decomposition, fermentation processes.
  • Composition: Compounds like acetic acid, citric acid, and lactic acid.
  • Environmental Impact: Rapidly biodegradable, contributing to BOD.

5. Urea

  • Source: Urine and cleaning products.
  • Composition: A nitrogen-containing organic compound.
  • Environmental Impact:
    • Converts to ammonia during decomposition.
    • Excessive ammonia contributes to nutrient pollution.

6. Phenols and Aromatic Compounds

  • Source: Household cleaning agents, personal care products.
  • Composition: Complex aromatic organic molecules.
  • Environmental Impact:
    • May be toxic to aquatic organisms.
    • Difficult to degrade, requiring advanced treatment.

7. Detergents and Surfactants

  • Source: Soaps, shampoos, laundry, and dishwashing detergents.
  • Composition: Organic molecules with hydrophobic and hydrophilic ends.
  • Environmental Impact:
    • Can form foam in water bodies.
    • Some older surfactants are non-biodegradable.

8. Human Waste (Feces and Urine)

  • Source: Excretion.
  • Composition: A mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and fiber.
  • Environmental Impact:
    • Major contributor to organic load in wastewater.
    • Contains pathogens requiring removal during treatment.

9. Paper and Fibers

  • Source: Toilet paper, tissues, and biodegradable household products.
  • Composition: Cellulose and lignin.
  • Environmental Impact: Biodegradable but may contribute to suspended solids in wastewater.

Key Parameters for Organic Components

The organic load in domestic wastewater is often measured by:

  1. BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand):
    • Amount of oxygen microorganisms need to decompose organic matter.
  2. COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand):
    • Total oxygen required to chemically oxidize organic and inorganic matter.
  3. TOC (Total Organic Carbon):
    • Concentration of organic carbon in the wastewater.

Treatment Implications

Effective treatment of organic components in domestic wastewater involves:

  1. Primary Treatment: Removing larger particles through sedimentation or screening.
  2. Secondary Treatment: Using biological processes like Activated Sludge, MBR, or RBC to degrade organic matter.
  3. Tertiary Treatment: Advanced filtration or disinfection to remove residual organics and pathogens.

Proper management of organic components is crucial to protect water resources and support sustainable wastewater reuse. 

What is Organic Pollution?

Organic pollution involves the contamination of the environment (especially water bodies, soil, or air) by organic substances. Here's an explanation::

What is Organic Pollution?

Organic pollution occurs when organic compounds—substances that are carbon-based and often biodegradable—enter the environment in concentrations that overwhelm natural decomposition processes, leading to ecological and health issues.

Sources of Organic Pollution

  1. Agricultural Runoff:
    • Fertilizers, pesticides, and animal waste washed into water bodies.
  2. Industrial Discharges:
    • Effluents containing organic chemicals or solvents from industries like food processing, textiles, or pharmaceuticals.
  3. Domestic Sewage:
    • Organic matter such as food waste, detergents, and human excreta from household wastewaters.
  4. Oil Spills:
    • Hydrocarbons from crude oil or petroleum products contaminating marine environments.
  5. Livestock Farming:
    • Manure and other organic waste from animal husbandry.

Effects of Organic Pollution

  1. Oxygen Depletion:
    • Organic matter decomposition by microorganisms consumes dissolved oxygen in water, causing hypoxic (low oxygen) conditions harmful to aquatic life.
  2. Eutrophication:
    • Excess nutrients from organic pollution stimulate algal blooms, which further deplete oxygen levels.
  3. Toxic Effects:
    • Some organic compounds (e.g., pesticides) are toxic to humans and wildlife.
  4. Water Quality Degradation:
    • Foul odors, discoloration, and increased turbidity make water unsuitable for consumption or recreation.
  5. Health Hazards:
    • Spread of diseases through waterborne pathogens in untreated organic waste.

Management and Control of Organic Pollution

  1. Wastewater Treatment:
    • Use of sewage treatment plants (e.g., ASP, MBBR, MBR) to remove organic matter.
  2. Agricultural Best Practices:
    • Proper manure management, controlled fertilizer use, and buffer strips near water bodies.
  3. Industrial Regulations:
    • Enforcing discharge standards and encouraging cleaner production technologies.
  4. Public Awareness:
    • Educating communities about proper waste disposal and pollution prevention.
  5. Monitoring and Enforcement:
    • Regular monitoring of water quality and enforcing environmental laws.

Rotating Biological Contactor - RBC STP Plants

The Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) is a type of fixed-film biological treatment process used in wastewater treatment. It combines biological and mechanical processes to treat organic pollutants, offering a simple and effective solution for small to medium-scale treatment needs.

Working Principle of RBC Plants

The RBC process uses a series of closely spaced rotating discs partially submerged in wastewater. Microorganisms grow on the surface of the discs, forming a biofilm that biologically treats the wastewater as the discs rotate.

1. Wastewater Flow

  • Purpose: Deliver untreated wastewater to the RBC system.
  • Process:
    • Raw or primary-treated wastewater flows into a tank where the RBC unit is installed.
    • The influent continuously contacts the rotating discs as it moves through the reactor.

2. Biological Treatment via Rotating Discs

  • Purpose: Remove organic matter and nutrients.
  • Process:
    • Discs made of plastic or other durable material are mounted on a horizontal shaft.
    • The discs are partially submerged in wastewater and rotate slowly, exposing the biofilm to wastewater and air alternately.
    • Microbial Action:
      • When submerged: Microorganisms absorb organic pollutants from the wastewater.
      • When exposed to air: Oxygen is absorbed to support aerobic biological activity.
    • Over time, microorganisms digest organic pollutants, reducing BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand).

3. Biofilm Maintenance

  • Purpose: Maintain healthy microbial activity.
  • Process:
    • The biofilm grows in thickness as microorganisms multiply.
    • Excess biofilm naturally sloughs off into the tank as it grows too thick, keeping the system self-regulating.

4. Settling and Clarification

  • Purpose: Separate treated water and solids.
  • Process:
    • The treated water flows into a settling tank, where sloughed-off biofilm and other solids settle.
    • Clarified water is discharged or sent for further treatment if required.

Advantages of RBC Plants

  1. Energy Efficiency:
    • Low power consumption since aeration is passive and aided by disc rotation.
  2. Simple Operation:
    • Minimal operational complexity and maintenance requirements.
  3. Compact Design:
    • Requires less space compared to conventional systems.
  4. High Treatment Efficiency:
    • Effective removal of BOD, COD, and nutrients with consistent performance.
  5. Self-Regulating Biofilm:
    • The system naturally maintains an optimal biofilm thickness.

Limitations of RBC Plants

  1. Limited Capacity:
    • Best suited for small to medium-sized wastewater treatment applications.
  2. Sensitivity to Load Variations:
    • High fluctuations in flow or pollutant loads can disrupt microbial activity.
  3. Mechanical Maintenance:
    • The rotating shaft and discs require regular inspection to prevent mechanical failure.
  4. Temperature Sensitivity:
    • Performance may decline in colder climates due to reduced microbial activity.

Applications of RBC Plants

  1. Municipal Wastewater:
    • Ideal for small communities and rural areas.
  2. Industrial Wastewater:
    • Suitable for industries with moderate organic loads, such as food processing and dairy.
  3. Decentralized Systems:
    • Used in remote locations, resorts, and institutional campuses.
  4. Upgrading Existing Plants:
    • Can supplement existing treatment systems to improve performance.

Comparison with Other Systems

  • Versus Activated Sludge Process (ASP):
    • RBC is simpler to operate, with no need for sludge recycling.
  • Versus MBBR (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor):
    • RBC has lower energy demands but may not handle as high a load as MBBR.


Rotating Biological Contactor plants are a cost-effective and efficient option for wastewater treatment in areas with moderate flow and organic loads. Their energy efficiency, low maintenance needs, and simple operation make them an attractive choice for decentralized and small-scale applications.

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

How does Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) works

 The Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) is a wastewater treatment technology that utilizes biofilm carriers to support the growth of microorganisms for biological treatment. It is a compact and efficient process suitable for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment.

Working Principle of MBBR Plants

MBBR operates through a combination of biological treatment and physical separation. It relies on biofilm-coated carriers that move freely in an aerated tank or anoxic reactor.

MBBR Bio Film or Bio Media  

1. Biological Treatment

  • Purpose: Break down organic pollutants and nutrients in wastewater.
  • Process:
    • Biofilm Formation: Special plastic carriers with a high surface area provide a substrate for microorganisms to attach and form a biofilm.
    • Continuous Movement: The carriers are kept in constant motion within the reactor by aeration (in aerobic tanks) or mechanical mixers (in anoxic/anaerobic tanks).
    • Microbial Activity: Microorganisms in the biofilm digest organic matter, reducing BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand). Nitrogen removal occurs in anoxic zones.

2. Aeration

  • Purpose: Supply oxygen for aerobic microorganisms.
  • Process:
    • Air diffusers ensure adequate oxygen transfer to support microbial activity and maintain carrier movement in aerobic tanks.

3. Settling and Separation

  • Purpose: Remove treated water and separate solids.
  • Process:
    • After biological treatment, the water flows to a clarifier or settling tank where solids settle, and treated water is discharged.
    • Sludge is periodically removed and managed separately.

Advantages of MBBR Plants

  1. Compact and Space-Efficient:
    • Requires less space compared to conventional systems due to the high treatment capacity of biofilm carriers.
  2. Flexibility:
    • Can handle fluctuating loads and volumes effectively.
  3. Low Maintenance:
    • No need for sludge recycling or complex equipment.
  4. High Treatment Efficiency:
    • Biofilm increases the biomass concentration, improving organic and nutrient removal.
  5. Scalability:
    • Additional carriers can be added to increase capacity without expanding the reactor size.
  6. Durable Carriers:
    • Long-lasting and resistant to wear and tear.

Limitations of MBBR Plants

  1. Aeration Energy:
    • Requires continuous aeration for carrier movement, increasing energy consumption.
  2. Cost of Carriers:
    • High-quality biofilm carriers can be expensive.
  3. Solids Separation:
    • Requires efficient clarifiers or filters to manage solids after treatment.
  4. Biofilm Fouling:
    • Biofilm may require periodic cleaning to maintain performance.

Applications of MBBR Plants

  1. Municipal Wastewater:
    • Treats domestic sewage efficiently in small towns or urban areas.
  2. Industrial Wastewater:
    • Effective for industries like pulp and paper, food processing, pharmaceuticals, and textiles.
  3. Upgrading Existing Plants:
    • Retrofitting conventional plants with MBBR to improve capacity and efficiency.
  4. Decentralized Systems:
    • Suitable for residential complexes, resorts, and remote areas.

Comparison with Other Systems

  • Versus Activated Sludge Process (ASP):
    • MBBR does not require sludge recycling, making it simpler to operate.
  • Versus Membrane Bioreactor (MBR):
    • MBBR is less energy-intensive and easier to maintain but produces lower-quality treated water.


The MBBR is a versatile, cost-effective, and compact solution for biological wastewater treatment. Its modular design and adaptability to varying loads make it ideal for a wide range of applications, from municipal sewage to challenging industrial effluents.

Membrane Bioreactor ( MBR )

 The Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) is an advanced wastewater treatment technology that combines biological treatment with membrane filtration. It offers high-quality treated water suitable for reuse or strict discharge requirements.

Working Principle of MBR Plants

MBR plants operate through two key processes: biological treatment and membrane filtration, integrated into one system.

1. Biological Treatment

  • Purpose: Remove organic pollutants and nutrients from wastewater.
  • Process:
    • Wastewater enters an aeration tank, where microorganisms (activated sludge) biologically degrade organic matter, reducing BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand).
    • Oxygen is supplied continuously through aerators or diffusers to sustain microbial activity.
    • Microorganisms break down organic matter into simpler compounds like carbon dioxide, water, and new biomass.

2. Membrane Filtration

  • Purpose: Physically separate treated water from suspended solids, microorganisms, and pathogens.
  • Process:
    • The mixed liquor (water + sludge) flows to a membrane tank.
    • The membrane acts as a barrier, allowing only water molecules and dissolved substances to pass through while retaining solids, bacteria, and viruses.
    • Membrane types include:
      • Microfiltration (MF): Removes particles larger than 0.1 microns.
      • Ultrafiltration (UF): Removes smaller particles and some dissolved contaminants.
    • Filtration is driven by vacuum suction or pressure.

Ultra filter Control Panel 
    • UF control panel

Membrane Filter

3. Permeate Discharge

  • The filtered water (permeate) is free of suspended solids, microorganisms, and most nutrients. It can be:
    • Reused for non-potable purposes like irrigation, cooling, or industrial processes.
    • Discharged into sensitive water bodies.

4. Sludge Management

  • Excess sludge from the aeration tank is periodically removed (Waste Activated Sludge, WAS) and sent for separate treatment.
  • Since MBR retains more biomass, sludge production is lower compared to conventional systems.

Advantages of MBR Plants

  1. High Water Quality:
    • Removes solids, bacteria, and most pathogens without requiring secondary clarifiers or tertiary filters.
  2. Compact Design:
    • Space-efficient due to the elimination of settling tanks and integration of processes.
  3. Consistent Performance:
    • Effective even under varying flow rates and pollutant loads.
  4. Reusability:
    • Produces water suitable for reuse applications, reducing demand on freshwater resources.

Limitations of MBR Plants

  1. High Energy Consumption:
    • Membrane filtration and aeration require significant energy.
  2. Membrane Maintenance:
    • Membranes need regular cleaning (chemical or mechanical) to prevent fouling and clogging.
  3. High Capital Cost:
    • Initial investment is higher compared to conventional systems.
  4. Skilled Operation:
    • Requires trained personnel to manage advanced systems and maintenance.

Applications of MBR Plants

  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment:
    • Urban areas with high-quality effluent requirements.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment:
    • Suitable for industries like pharmaceuticals, food processing, and textiles.
  • Water Reuse Systems:
    • Irrigation, cooling towers, and other non-potable applications.
  • Space-Constrained Locations:
    • Residential complexes, hospitals, and airports.

Summary of MBR Functionality

  • Biological degradation of pollutants in the aeration tank.
  • Membrane filtration to achieve superior separation of solids and pathogens.
  • Compact, efficient, and environmentally sustainable solution for wastewater treatment

Working principle, Advantages, Limitations and applications of SBR

 The Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) is a type of activated sludge process used for wastewater treatment. Unlike continuous-flow systems, SBR operates in batches, performing all treatment steps in a single reactor tank. Its design is compact and highly efficient, making it suitable for small to medium-scale applications.

Working Principle of SBR

The SBR process consists of five sequential stages in a single reactor:

1. Fill

  • Purpose: Introduce raw wastewater into the reactor.
  • Process:
    • The reactor is filled with wastewater either partially or completely.
    • Some systems allow mixing with return activated sludge (RAS) to seed the reactor with microorganisms.
    • Aeration is turned off during this phase to allow microorganisms to adjust to the incoming load.

2. React (Aeration)

  • Purpose: Biologically degrade organic pollutants.
  • Process:
    • Aeration begins, supplying oxygen for aerobic microorganisms to metabolize organic matter.
    • Microorganisms break down BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), and other pollutants.
    • Denitrification or nitrification processes may occur depending on design.

3. Settle

  • Purpose: Separate treated water from activated sludge.
  • Process:
    • Aeration is stopped, and the reactor is left undisturbed.
    • Solids (sludge) settle to the bottom, forming a clear layer of treated water at the top.
    • This phase eliminates the need for a separate clarifier.

4. Decant

  • Purpose: Remove the treated effluent.
  • Process:
    • A decanter mechanism carefully removes the treated, clarified water from the

top of the reactor without disturbing the settled sludge.

  • The decanted water is either discharged or sent for tertiary treatment if required.

5. Idle (Optional)

  • Purpose: Prepare the reactor for the next cycle or manage flow variability.
  • Process:
    • During this phase, excess sludge may be removed (waste activated sludge, WAS).
    • The reactor is ready to start a new cycle.

Advantages of SBR

  1. Compact Design: Combines all treatment steps in one tank, saving space.
  2. Flexibility: Operates efficiently under variable flow and load conditions.
  3. Cost-Effective: Reduces the need for separate clarifiers or sludge return systems.
  4. High Treatment Efficiency: Effective removal of BOD, COD, and nutrients.
  5. Automation-Friendly: Easily automated for better operational control.

Limitations of SBR

  1. Batch Process: May not be suitable for continuous high-volume inflow without pre-treatment storage.
  2. Complex Controls: Requires advanced control systems and skilled operators.
  3. Time-Dependent: Treatment is cyclical, which can limit capacity during peak inflows.

Applications of SBR

  • Municipal sewage treatment for small to medium-sized communities.
  • Industrial wastewater treatment in industries like food processing, breweries, and textiles.
  • Residential complexes and decentralized treatment systems.

By alternating phases within a single reactor, SBR systems achieve efficient and effective wastewater treatment while maintaining a compact and flexible design.

Activated sludge process (ASP) or Sequencing batch reactor (SBR)

The Activated Sludge Process is one of the most widely used biological wastewater treatment methods. It involves using microorganisms (activated sludge) to break down organic pollutants in wastewater through aerobic digestion. ASP is effective, flexible, and commonly employed in municipal and industrial sewage treatment plants.

Key Components of ASP Plants

  1. Aeration Tank:

    • Wastewater is mixed with activated sludge, which contains microorganisms.
    • Oxygen is supplied (via diffusers or mechanical aerators) to support aerobic microbial activity.
  2. Secondary Clarifier (Sedimentation Tank):

    • Treated water flows to this tank where sludge settles at the bottom.
    • The clarified water moves on for further treatment or discharge.
  3. Return Activated Sludge (RAS):

    • A portion of the settled sludge is returned to the aeration tank to maintain the microbial population.
  4. Waste Activated Sludge (WAS):

    • Excess sludge is removed and sent for further treatment or disposal.

Working Principle of ASP

  1. Mixing and Aeration:

    • Aerobic microorganisms in the sludge digest organic pollutants in the wastewater.
    • Continuous aeration ensures sufficient oxygen for microbial activity.
  2. Biological Degradation:

    • Microorganisms convert organic matter into carbon dioxide, water, and new biomass.
  3. Separation:

    • After treatment in the aeration tank, the mixture flows into the secondary clarifier.
    • The treated water separates from the sludge.
  4. Recycling and Disposal:

    • The returned sludge sustains the biological treatment process.
    • Excess sludge is treated separately to manage waste.

Advantages of ASP Plants

  1. Efficient Organic Removal: High removal efficiency for BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand).
  2. Flexible Operation: Adaptable to varying wastewater loads.
  3. Scalability: Suitable for both small-scale and large-scale plants.
  4. Established Technology: Proven effectiveness and widely understood process.

Limitations of ASP Plants

  1. High Energy Requirements: Aeration consumes significant energy.
  2. Space Needs: Requires space for aeration tanks and clarifiers.
  3. Sludge Management: Produces large amounts of waste sludge requiring further treatment.
  4. Operational Complexity: Requires skilled operators to maintain aeration levels, microbial health, and sludge balance.

Applications of ASP Plants

  • Municipal Wastewater: Treats domestic sewage for cities and towns.
  • Industrial Effluents: Handles biodegradable waste from industries such as food processing, breweries, and textiles.
  • Large Residential Complexes: Useful in housing developments generating substantial wastewater.

Variations of ASP

  1. Extended Aeration:

    • Operates at lower sludge loadings, reducing excess sludge production.
    • Suitable for small-scale plants with lower operational demands.
  2. Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR):

    • Treats wastewater in batches, combining aeration and settling in one tank.
  3. Oxidation Ditches:

    • Continuous loop reactors offering high treatment efficiency.

ASP plants are an essential component of modern wastewater treatment, balancing efficiency and adaptability for various treatment needs. Proper design, operation, and maintenance are critical for their success. 

Conventional Sewage Treatment Plant

 Conventional Treatment Plants are sewage treatment facilities that use well-established methods to treat wastewater. These plants rely on physical, biological, and chemical processes to remove contaminants and produce treated water that meets regulatory standards.


Key Components of Conventional Treatment Plants

Conventional plants typically involve the following stages:

1. Preliminary Treatment

  • Purpose: Remove large debris and inorganic materials to prevent damage to equipment.
  • Processes:
    • Screening: Captures large objects like plastics, rags, and sticks.
    • Grit Removal: Removes sand, gravel, and other heavy particles.
    • Flow Equalization: Balances fluctuations in wastewater inflow.

2. Primary Treatment

  • Purpose: Separate suspended solids and reduce organic load.
  • Processes:
    • Sedimentation Tanks: Allow heavier solids to settle at the bottom, forming sludge.
    • Scum Removal: Skimming floating materials like oil and grease from the surface.

3. Secondary Treatment

  • Purpose: Biologically treat wastewater to remove dissolved organic matter.
  • Processes:
    • Aeration Tanks: Air is supplied to encourage microorganisms to digest organic pollutants.
    • Activated Sludge Process (ASP): Uses bacteria-rich sludge to treat wastewater.
    • Secondary Clarifiers: Separate treated water from biological solids.

4. Tertiary Treatment (Optional)

  • Purpose: Enhance water quality for specific uses or stricter discharge standards.
  • Processes:
    • Filtration through sand or activated carbon.
    • Disinfection using chlorine, UV light, or ozone.

5. Sludge Treatment

  • Purpose: Manage and safely dispose of solid waste from primary and secondary processes.
  • Processes:
    • Thickening: Reduces water content in sludge.
    • Digestion: Anaerobic or aerobic treatment to stabilize and reduce sludge volume.
    • Dewatering: Mechanical processes (e.g., centrifuges) to remove excess water.
    • Disposal or Reuse: Land application or conversion into biogas/compost.

Advantages of Conventional Treatment Plants

  1. Proven Technology: Reliable and well-documented methods.
  2. Wide Application: Suitable for municipal and industrial wastewater.
  3. Flexible Design: Can handle a range of flow rates and pollutant loads.
  4. Regulatory Compliance: Meets most national and international standards.

Limitations of Conventional Treatment Plants

  1. Space Requirements: Require large areas for sedimentation tanks and other units.
  2. High Energy Use: Aeration systems consume significant energy.
  3. Sludge Generation: Produces large volumes of sludge requiring additional treatment.
  4. Operational Complexity: Requires skilled personnel for operation and maintenance.


  • Municipal wastewater treatment for cities and towns.
  • Industrial facilities generating biodegradable waste.
  • Facilities with access to sufficient land for plant construction.

Conventional treatment plants are widely used because of their effectiveness and adaptability. However, in areas with limited space or resources, advanced or compact treatment technologies may be preferred.

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Selection Factors for STPs

 When selecting a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), several factors must be considered to ensure the system meets the operational, environmental, and regulatory requirements. Below are the key factors:

1. Wastewater Characteristics

  • Volume: Daily inflow of wastewater.
  • Source: Domestic, industrial, or mixed wastewater.
  • Pollutant Load: Organic content (measured by BOD/COD will discuss later), suspended solids, nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus), and specific industrial contaminants.

2. Treated Water Quality Requirements

  • Discharge Standards: Regulatory compliance for treated water before release into the environment.
  • Reuse Potential: If water will be reused (e.g., for irrigation, industrial processes), higher treatment levels (tertiary treatment) may be needed.

3. Space Availability

  • Land Footprint: Availability of space for the treatment plant, particularly in urban areas.
  • Compact Options: Technologies like MBR or MBBR are ideal for space-constrained locations.

4. Budget and Cost Considerations

  • Capital Cost: Initial investment for plant construction and installation.
  • Operational Cost: Energy, labor, chemicals, and maintenance expenses.
  • Long-term Cost: Lifespan of equipment and potential savings from water reuse or biogas production.

5. Type of Technology

  • Simplicity vs. Complexity: Preference for simpler systems (e.g., SBR, RBC) vs. advanced systems (e.g., MBR, UASB) based on technical expertise.
  • Energy Efficiency: Technologies like UASB are low-energy, while MBR may consume more power but offer better output.

6. Operational Expertise

  • Skill Level: Availability of trained personnel for operating and maintaining the system.
  • Automation: Highly automated systems reduce human intervention but may require skilled technicians for troubleshooting.

7. Sludge Management

  • Sludge Volume: Quantity of sludge generated and its disposal method.
  • Reusability: Options to convert sludge into biogas, compost, or other reusable products.

8. Environmental Impact

  • Odor and Noise Control: Measures to minimize nuisance in populated areas.
  • Energy Use: Preference for sustainable systems that incorporate energy recovery or renewable energy options.
  • Carbon Footprint: Systems with lower emissions and energy demand are more environmentally friendly.

9. Regulatory Compliance

  • Adherence to local, regional, and international wastewater treatment standards, such as:
    • Effluent Discharge Norms.
    • Guidelines for treated sludge disposal.

10. Future Scalability

  • Expansion Potential: Ability to increase capacity if population or industrial activity grows.
  • Modular Systems: Technologies like MBBR or compact plants can be scaled up more easily.

11. Weather and Climate

  • Systems like constructed wetlands may depend on local climate conditions.
  • Temperature variations can impact biological processes in treatment systems like ASP or UASB.

12. Special Considerations for Industrial STPs

  • Specific Pollutants: Removal of heavy metals, oils, or toxic chemicals.
  • Custom Designs: Tailored systems for unique industrial wastewater profiles.

By carefully analyzing these factors, the appropriate STP technology and design can be selected to ensure cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and compliance with environmental standards.