Sunday, 8 December 2024

why BOD is high in raw sewage

BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) is high in raw sewage because it contains a large amount of organic matter, which serves as food for microorganisms. These microorganisms consume oxygen as they break down the organic substances, leading to high oxygen demand.

Reasons for High BOD in Raw Sewage

  1. Presence of Organic Waste:

    • Human Waste: Feces and urine are rich in organic compounds like proteins, carbohydrates, and urea.
    • Food Waste: Kitchen waste, oils, and grease from households.
    • Detergents and Soaps: Organic surfactants contribute to the load.
    • Plant Material: Leaves, grass, or other biodegradable debris in runoff.
  2. High Concentration of Suspended and Dissolved Solids:

    • Raw sewage has both dissolved organic compounds and suspended solids that decompose over time, requiring oxygen.
  3. Pathogenic Microorganisms:

    • Bacteria and other microbes in sewage metabolize the organic content, consuming oxygen in the process.
  4. Lack of Treatment:

    • In raw sewage, no processes have yet removed or stabilized organic matter, resulting in a high concentration of biodegradable material.
  5. Nutrient Availability:

    • Nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus present in sewage promote microbial activity, increasing oxygen demand.

BOD Levels in Raw Sewage

  • Typical BOD levels in raw sewage range between 200–600 mg/L, depending on the source and composition of the wastewater.

Impact of High BOD

  1. Depletes Oxygen in Water Bodies:
    • If discharged untreated, high-BOD sewage can deplete dissolved oxygen in rivers or lakes, harming aquatic life.
  2. Eutrophication:
    • Nutrients and organic matter in sewage promote excessive algae growth, further reducing oxygen levels.

How STPs Address High BOD

  1. Primary Treatment:
    • Removes large solids and sediment, reducing BOD by 20–30%.
  2. Secondary Treatment:
    • Biological processes (e.g., Activated Sludge Process, MBBR) degrade organic matter, significantly lowering BOD by up to 90%.
  3. Tertiary Treatment:
    • Advanced methods like filtration or disinfection ensure further reduction to meet discharge standards.


High BOD in raw sewage is a result of the large amounts of biodegradable organic material and microbial activity. Effective sewage treatment reduces BOD levels, protecting water bodies and enabling the safe reuse of treated water. 

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